
I learned that people pay taxes to the king because taxes means bills like your phone bill,so it would be phone taxes,internet bills it would be internet taxes and that’s what I know about taxes.

2014/2015 Family trips

In 2014 I went to Kentucky to go see family members and drove to Kentucky it was a long way 14 hours there.We got there at night time around 8:00 pm we stayed in a hotel we went to sleep.Then we went swimming indoors.Also we went around Kentucky  city we stayed for two more nights. Then we got in the car for 14 more hours when we got home I went to bed.


In 2015 I am going to Oklahoma this Friday Jan,9,2015.We are going to drive for a little bit then we will get are cabin with a hot tub and it is colder up there so I hope it snows. There we will have fun. When we drive back I am go to miss Oklahoma.

Ox-Eyed Daisy


My flower’s scientific name is chrysanthemum leucanthemum. The scientific classification is Asteraceae. Every where in the U.S. The Ox-eyed Daisy can get to 1-2 feet tall. It blooms in May through July that is 3 months long. It is white with mustard-yellow.You could put it in a border. It grows every where.

Water conservation

Saving water is important because we need water to survive. Don’t leave the water running without using it. Set the timer for three minutes for the shower. Sing the birthday song to wash your hands for that long. Every time you use the washing machine you use thirty gallons of water. Don’t put clean clothes in the washing machine. Wear the clothes until they get dirty. Use only what you need of water.

Saving water is important! Use it wisely.